The GSSHA interface comprises the following tabs:
In addition, several common buttons are available from each tab. This includes:
•Save Project: select this button to save the current GSSHA project to file. The project can subsequently be opened and all settings and input information will be retained the next time you open the project file. The project information is saved to a text based *.gssha file.
•Open Project: used to open a previously saved GSSHA project file (*.gssha). All information from the *.gssha file will be read and will be used to populate each page of the GSSHA interface.
•Help: Select this button to open the help page specific to that particular page
•Cancel: Select this button to close the GSSHA interface without saving any settings.
•Run Project: Select this button to run a GSSHA simulation. When selected, a 'Save As' dialog will appear asking you to specify the same of a GSSHA input file (*.prj). All required GSSHA inputs and outputs will subsequently be written to the same directory as the *.prj file. Note that all pages on the GSSHA interface must be populated with valid information before a simulation can be performed.