The 'Loss Model' tab allows you to specify rainfall loss mechanisms for your simulation.
GSSHA includes native support for Green-Ampt infiltration and Richard's equation. However, the GSSHA interface does not provide direct support for either of these loss models at the moment. Nevertheless, they can still be included manually by referring to the GSSHA User Manual and or Wiki.
Although not natively supported by GSSHA, the initial continuing loss model is commonly used in Australia and has been included in the GSSHA interface. It operates by subtracting the approriate losses from the rainfall data specified on the 'Rainfal' tab before applying it to the GSSHA model.
None: Select this is you do wish to apply any rainfall losses (for example you may have already subtracted losses before importing the information into the GSSHA interface).
Initial / Continuing Loss: Select this option if you would like to use the initial and continuing loss model.
Green-Ampt: Currently not implemented.
Richard's Equation: Currently not implemented.
If you select the 'Initial / Continuing Loss' model, the IL / CL section of the interface will become enabled. Currently only global initial and continuing losses can be specified. However, we aim to provide the user with the option of using grid layers to specify spatially varying losses in the next release of CatchmentSIM. After selecting the 'Use Global Values' radio button, the initial loss (in milimetres) is input in the text box directly below the Initial Loss (mm) heading and the continuing loss (in mm/hour) is input in the text box directly under the 'Continuing Loss (mm/hr) header.