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CatchmentSIM Help


XP_RAFTS is a commercial hydrologic model that is maintained by Innovyze. CatchmentSIM can create an XPX file that can be imported into a blank XP-RAFTS project including subcatchment information and rainfall event hyetograph (if using the Rainfall Analyser module). The workflow associated with the XP_RAFTS script is outlined below.


Select Run Macro Wizard from the Export tool and select the appropriate XP_RAFTS script from the RAFTS-XP folder.




You will be prompted to enter a prefix for subcatchments (optional). This may be useful if you are going to import the exported nodes into an existing RAFTS project and don't want to have any node names clashing.




If your project includes impervious areas, you will be prompted to include these as second subcatchments. This is the recommended approach from the XP-RAFTS authors to have a 0% impervious first subcatchment and then a 100% impervious second subcatchment with areas totaling to the total subcatchment area. This is also useful since each subcatchment can only have one set of initial and continuing loss rates. Thus, separation of the impervious components of the subcatchment into the second subcatchment allows the impervious loss rates to be applied for the second subcatchment.





You will be prompted to select if junctions should be inserted at subcatchment confluences.





XP-RAFTS requires pervious "n" values to be assigned for each subcatchment. This can be done globally or by weighted average of a pre-defined raster grid layer (this layer needs to be setup before running the Macro Wizard).




Various Link and Lag methods are available and can be selected via the next prompts.


RAFTS_Link_Delay   RAFTS_Lag_Method


Initial and continuing loss values for the pervious (first) and impervious (second) subcatchments can also be set and assigned via the next prompts.




The option to export subcatchment polygons to XP-RAFTS is also available. However, users may wish to be cautious since projects with large amounts of details may create significant XPX code if this option is selected.




If you are using the Rainfall Analyser module and have setup one or more rainfall events, CatchmentSIM can export the rainfall events to XP-RAFTS. A custom local storm will be created for every subcatchment reflecting the average weighted rainfall for that subcatchment. These local storms will then be directly assigned to each subcatchment.




A background graphic can also be exported if required.




Once the XPX code has been created, it can be imported to a blank or existing XP-RAFTS project using the File >> Import Data function in XP-RAFTS.


click to enlarge

Importing the XPX into RAFTS