ID Number
Integer ID of the subcatchment, used instead of subcatchment name when the subcatchment network is discontinuous (ie., more than one catchment outlet).
Subcatchment name assigned in nodal network arrangement (refer to Project Options | Subcatchment Labelling for labelling parameters).
User Label
A user label imported or assigned to a subcatchment
The subcatchment area
Total Upstream Area
The total upstream area for the subcatchment
Up Subs
The names of immediately upstream subcatchments
Downstream Sub Name
The name of the immediately downstream subcatchment
Downstream Sub ID
The ID of the immediately downstream subcatchment
Subcatchment slope as calculated by weighted average (by flowpath length) of a set sample size (refer Project Options form) of average vectored slope calculations for pixels on the perimeter of subcatchment.
Hill Slope
Hill slope as calculated by weighted average (by flowpath length) of a set sample size (refer Project Options form) of average vectored slope calculations for pixels on the perimeter of subcatchment for that portion of their flowpaths until a pixel with a contributing catchment greater than the current Stream Area Threshold (SAT) is reached.
Impervious Area
Impervious area within subcatchment as calculated by rasterisation of impervious polygons, and consideration of background impervious parameter.
Impervious Prop
Impervious proportion of subcatchment as calculated by impervious area (above) divided by total area expressed as a percentage.
Perimeter Length
Length of the subcatchment perimeter formed by combination of outer edge lengths of all subcatchment perimeter pixels.
Horton DD
Horton drainage density as calculated from the vector stream network length within the subcatchment divided by subcatchment area.
Bifurcation ratio calculated for subcatchment based on vector stream network.
Main Stream Length
For self-contained subcatchments (ie., no upstream input) the main stream length is defined as the longest flow path in the subcatchment. For subcatchments with one or more upstream input subcatchments, the main stream length is defined as the longest stream segment within the subcatchment which is from an upstream subcatchment.
Main Stream Slope
The average vectored slope of the main stream defined above, expressed as a percentage.
Longest Flowpath Length
The length of the longest flow path within the subcatchment
Longest Flowpath Slope
The average vectored slope of the longest flow path
Shape (Area/Perimeter^2)
The shape parameter is defined as the subcatchment area divided by the perimeter length squared and is dimensionless.
Lake Area
The area of defined lakes within the catchment.
Lake Prop
The proportion of subcatchment area covered by defined lakes.
Network Depth
Maximum number of subcatchments a flow path may traverse to reach outlet of this subcatchment.
Min Easting
The minimum easting of the subcatchment
Max Easting
The maximum easting of the subcatchment
Min Northing
The minimum northing of the subcatchment
Max Northing
The maximum northing of the subcatchment
Centre Easting
The centroid easting of the subcatchment
Centre Northing
The centroid northing of the subcatchment
Outlet Easting
The outlet centroid easting
Outlet Northing
The outlet centroid northing
Max Elev
The maximum elevation of the subcatchment
Min Elev
The minimum elevation of the subcatchment
Vert Range
The vertical range of the subcatchment
Mean Elev
The average elevation of the subcatchment
Median Elev
The median elevation of the subctachment
Elev Std Dev
The standard deviation of the subcatchment
Overflow Pixel
The overflow pixel of the subcatchment (if a subcatchment has no downstream connectivity and the lowest point on the perimeter borders another subcatchment then it is deemed to have an overflow)
Ponding Depth
The depth of ponding prior to subcatchment boundary overflow
Overflow Sub ID
The subcatchment ID of the downstream overflow subcatchment
Overflow Elevation
The elevation of the overflow pixel
Processing Order
The order in which a subcatchment should be processed to ensure no subcatchment is processed before while an upstream subcatchment is not yet processed.
Avg Flow Length
The average of the flow path lengths to the subcatchment outlet for all pixels in the subcatchment. Please note, this value does not take Smoothing into account.
Flow Length Std Dev
Standard deviation of the flow path lengths to the subcatchment outlet for all pixels in the subcatchment. Please note, this value does not take Smoothing into account.
Channel Skew
Calculated as:
Sk = (A2 - A1) / A
Sk = channel skew factor
A1 = subcatchment area to one side of the channel
A2 = subcatchment area to other side of the channel
A = total subcatchment area
Subcatchment Width
Calculated as:
W = (2 - Sk) * L
W = subcatchment width
Sk = channel skew factor (refer above)
L = length of main drainage channel
Main Stream S1085%
The main stream slope estimated by measuring the distance and change in elevation between two points located 10% and 85% of the distance along the channel from the subcatchment outlet. It can be used to estimate the average main stream slope, however, the Main Stream Slope variable will provide a more reliable estimate.