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Hydraulic controls are quasi-hydraulic vector attributes that can override flow paths derived simply from analysis of the raster DEM. The theory behind hydraulic controls are described in the algorithm section. The hydraulic controls form governs the import and manipulation of hydraulic controls within CatchmentSIM.



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Manipulating Hydraulic Controls


Hydraulic control act either as a gutter or a channel. Gutters allow flow to pass across the gutter alignment in only one direction (in the direction of the arrows) unless the gutter has been breached. Channels do not allow flow to travel across the channel alignment in any direction and all flow is forced to flow in the channel until it terminates. Both channels and gutters have A and B type which designate in which direction flow may traverse a gutter and in which direction a channel must flow.


Both type and on/off status may be toggled interactively over the mapping layers using the Toggle On/Off Over Display and Toggle Type Over Display. After pressing Toggle On/Off Over Display the form will disappear and the Hydraulic Controls will appear over the currently selected mapping layers. Hydraulic Controls in the 'on' state will be black or grey in the 'off' state. Clicking on the Hydraulic Controls will change their on/off status. By clicking Toggle Type Over Display users will be able to click on Hydraulic Control and toggle between the four types available (Gutter A, Gutter B, Channel A, Channel B) and the display will update accordingly.


The group select and edit properties panel, and the filter work similarly to the controls on the Impervious Areas form.


Note: Using Hydraulic Controls requires a bit of experimentation and is described in more detail in the Key Challenges section.



Importing Hydraulic Controls


The Import Hydraulic Control button allows hydraulic controls to be imported from a GIS file containing line or polyline elements. A data column can be selected to provide the Hydraulic Control description or if this is not available, it can be set to none and the description will be left black (it can be manually edited later).



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Setting the type can be achieved by first designating wether the controls are gutters or channels and then assigning an approach for A/B type assignment. This can be either achieved by assuming All A/ All B, with hill slope or against hill slope or by reference to a data column in the GIS file.


Note:If assigning type by reference to a GIS data column a text comparison will be used. The data column should contain text that exactly matches either 'Channel Type A', 'Channel Type B', Gutter Type A', or 'Gutter Type B' (non case sensitive).



Deleting Hydraulic Controls


Hydraulic controls may be deleted using the Delete Hydraulic Control(s) button. Hydrologic Controls may be group selected using the Shift and Ctrl buttons, the group select buttons or the filter and then either turned off (using the Edit Properties buttons) or deleted.