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CatchmentSIM Help


The add subcatchment menu option allows the user to visually designate the outlet for a catchment or subcatchment. Outlets are plotted as a polyline and can be as long or short as desired. After selecting this menu option use the left mouse button for each vertex of the outlet line and right click to finish.


Other methods of adding subcatchment(s) include importing the subcatchment outlets from a GIS file (Subcatchments >> Import Outlets >> From Vector File) or by using the auto catchment breakup algorithms (Subcatchments >> Breakup Subcatchment).


After a subcatchment outlet has been added, it will be rasterised into a set of outlet pixels. These can be manually edited in tabular or visual form using Subcatchments >> Edit Outlet >> Edit Subcatchment Outlet Pixels) or the Outlet Details button on the Subcatchment Manager form.