The Time Series Control is used to control the animation of rainfall time series layers (i.e., isohyet maps). The Time Series Control is only displayed/available after creating a Rainfall Isohyet Map.
The 'Active Event' drop down box is used to select the desired event to be animated. Only events that have been defined on the Events tab of the Rainfall Analyser are available for selection.
Once the event is selected, the animation can proceed using one of the available buttons:
- Will start the animation commencing at the currently selected time step.
- Will pause the animation at the current frame/time step. To recommence the animation, press the "play" or "forward/back" buttons
- Will stop the current animation and return to the first frame/time step
- Used to step back one frame/time step at a time
- Used to step forward one frame/time step at a time
Alternatively, the slider bar can be used to jump to a specific time step.