The following project variables relate to the Subcatchment variable category. They refer to statistics and values for an individual subcatchment which is identified by the integer value referenced in the square brackets following the %SubCatchment keyword.
These project variables must all be prefixed with %SubCatchment[i]. Where i is an integer, integer type project or user variable or loop substitution letter. eg., %Subcatchment[i].Name.
Name |
Subcatchment label |
text |
UserLabel |
Subcatchment user label |
text |
SubID |
The integer tag of the subcatchment |
integer |
Area |
Subcatchment area |
decimal |
m2 |
TotalContributingArea |
Area of subcatchment and all upstream subcatchments |
decimal |
m2 |
MaxEasting |
Easting of most eastward point |
decimal |
user coordinate |
MaxNorthing |
Northing of most northward point |
decimal |
user coordinate |
MinEasting |
Easting of most westward point |
decimal |
user coordinate |
MinNorthing |
Northing of most southward point |
decimal |
user coordinate |
CentroidEasting |
Easting of subcatchment centroid |
decimal |
user coordinate |
CentroidNorthing |
Northing of subcatchment centroid |
decimal |
user coordinate |
OutletCentroidEasting |
Easting of subcatchment outlet |
decimal |
user coordinate |
OutletCentroidNorthing |
Northing of subcatchment outlet |
decimal |
user coordinate |
MainStreamSlope |
Slope of main stream segment within this subcatchment |
decimal |
m/m |
MainStreamLength |
Length of main stream segment within this subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
MainStreamOriginPixelRow |
Origin pixel row within this subcatchment for main stream segment within this subcatchment |
integer |
MainStreamOriginPixelColumn |
Origin pixel column within this subcatchment for main stream segment within this subcatchment |
integer |
NumberOfMainSSegments |
Number of vertexes in the main stream polyline. |
integer |
MainSVertex[j].Easting |
The easting of the main stream vertex [j] |
decimal |
user coordinate |
MainSVertex[j].Northing |
The northing of the main stream vertex [j] |
decimal |
user coordinate |
MainSVertex[j].Elevation |
The elevation of the main stream vertex [j] |
decimal |
m |
LogestFlowPathSlope |
Slope of longest flow path segment within this subcatchment |
decimal |
m/m |
LogestFlowPathLength |
Length of longest flow path segment within this subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
LogestFlowPathOriginPixelRow |
Origin pixel row within this subcatchment for longest flow path segment within this subcatchment |
integer |
LogestFlowPathOriginPixelColumn |
Origin pixel column within this subcatchment for longest flow path segment within this subcatchment |
integer |
NumberOfLongFPSegments |
Number of vertexes in the longest flow path polyline. |
integer |
LongFPVertex[j].Easting |
The easting of the main stream vertex [j] |
decimal |
user coordinate |
LongFPVertex[j].Northing |
The northing of the main stream vertex [j] |
decimal |
user coordinate |
LongFPVertex[j].Elevation |
The elevation of the main stream vertex [j] |
decimal |
m |
PerimeterLength |
Length of subcatchment perimeter |
decimal |
m |
NumberOfPerimeterSegments |
Number of separate segments in smoothed subcatchment boundary polygon |
integer |
PerimeterSegment[i].X1 |
X coordinate (easting) at start of segment [i] |
decimal |
PerimeterSegment[i].X2 |
X coordinate (easting) at end of segment [i] |
decimal |
PerimeterSegment[i].Y1 |
Y coordinate (northing) at start of segment [i] |
decimal |
PerimeterSegment[i].Y2 |
Y coordinate (northing) at end of segment [i] |
decimal |
DownstreamSubCatchmentName |
Label of immediate downstream subcatchment |
text |
DownstreamSubCatchmentNumber |
Subcatchment ID number for immediate downstream subcatchment |
integer |
NumberOfUpstreamSubCatchments |
Quantity of immediate upstream subcatchment(s) |
integer |
UpstreamSubCatchment[j] |
Subcatchment ID number of immediate upstream subcatchment 'j' (ie., there may be more than one upstream subcatchment) |
integer |
NetworkDepth |
Maximum number of subcatchments a flow path may traverse to reach outlet of this subcatchment |
integer |
Shape |
Shape coefficient (Area / (Perimeter Length) 2 ) |
decimal |
m2/m2 |
NumberOfPixels |
Number of pixels in this subcatchment |
integer |
AverageVectoredSlope |
Average vectored slope of this subcatchment (based on a designated sample size of perimeter pixels). |
decimal |
m/m |
AverageVectoredHillSlope |
Average vectored hill slope of this subcatchment (based on a designated sample size of perimeter pixels for that part of their flowpath until a stream is reached). |
decimal |
m/m |
ImperviousProportion |
Proportion of subcatchment that is 100% impervious to infiltration |
decimal |
m2/m2 |
ImperviousArea |
Area of subcatchment that is 100% impervious to infiltration |
decimal |
m2 |
ImperviousPixels |
Number of pixels enclosed within impervious polygons |
integer |
NonImperviousArea |
Area of subcatchment that is 0% impervious to infiltration |
decimal |
m2 |
RasterDrainageDensity |
Raster drainage density of subcatchment |
decimal |
m2/m2 |
HortonDrainageDensity |
Horton drainage density of subcatchment (vector synthetic stream length / subcatchment area) |
decimal |
km/km2 |
BifurcationRatio |
Bifurcation ratio of subcatchment (gradient of line of best fit - stream order vs log(number of streams)) |
decimal |
DownstreamJunctionNumber |
Junction ID number for junction at this subcatchment outlet |
integer |
ProcessingOrder |
Position of subcatchment 'i' in a list where each subcatchments appear earlier than all its downstream subcatchments. That is, flow from a subcatchment will not enter any subcatchment with a lower processing order. |
integer |
SelfContainedSubCatchment |
Returns True if this subcatchment has no upstream input, otherwise False |
True / False |
ThroughFlowSubCatchment |
Returns True if this subcatchment has upstream input, otherwise False |
True / False |
CatchmentOutlet |
Returns True if this subcatchment's outlet is the catchment outlet, otherwise False |
True / False |
NumberOfBoundaryPolygons |
Number of polygons that define the subcatchment boundary |
integer |
BoundaryPolygons[j].NoOfVertex |
Number of vertexes associated with this boundary polygon 'j' |
integer |
BoundaryPolygons[j].Vertex[k].Easting |
Easting of this vertex 'k' of this boundary polygon 'j' |
decimal |
user coordinate |
BoundaryPolygons[j].Vertex[k].Northing |
Northing of this vertex 'k' of this boundary polygon 'j' |
decimal |
user coordinate |
BoundaryPolygons[j].Vertex[k].Elevation |
Elevation of this vertex 'k' of this boundary polygon 'j' |
decimal |
m |
NumberOfPerimeterPixels |
Number of pixels in this subcatchment that lie on the subcatchment perimeter |
integer |
PerimeterPixel[j].Row |
Row number of this perimeter pixel 'j' of this subcatchment |
integer |
PerimeterPixel[j].Column |
Column number of this perimeter pixel 'j' of this subcatchment |
integer |
NumberOfOutletPixels |
Number of pixels in this subcatchment that define the subcatchment outlet |
integer |
OutletPixel[j].Row |
Row number of this outlet pixel 'j' of this subcatchment |
integer |
OutletPixel[j].Column |
Column number of this outlet pixel 'j' of this subcatchment |
integer |
OverflowSubID |
The subcatchment ID of the downstream overflow subcatchment (if a subcatchment has no downstream connectivity and the lowest point on the perimeter borders another subcatchment then it is deemed to have an overflow). If there is no overflow then -1 is returned. |
integer |
OverflowPixelRow |
The column associated with the overflow pixel of the subcatchment. If none, 0 will be returned. |
integer |
OverflowPixelColumn |
The column associated with the overflow pixel of the subcatchment. If none, 0 will be returned. |
integer |
PondingDepth |
The depth of ponding prior to subcatchment boundary overflow. If none, 0 will be returned. |
decimal |
m |
OverflowElevation |
The elevation of the overflow pixel. If none, 0 will be returned. |
decimal |
m |
AverageFlowLength |
The average of the flow path lengths to the subcatchment outlet for all pixels in the subcatchment. Please note, this value does not take Smoothing into account. |
decimal |
m |
ChannelSkew |
Calculated as: Sk = (A2 - A1) / A
Where: |
decimal |
SubcatchmentWidth |
Calculated as: W = (2 - Sk) * L
Where: W = subcatchment width Sk = channel skew factor (refer above) |
decimal |
LakeArea |
The area occupied by lakes within the subcatchment |
decimal |
ha |
LakeProp |
The proportion of area occupied by lakes relative to the subcatchment area |
percentage |
% |
MaxElevation |
Maximum elevation of all pixels within the subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
MinElevation |
Minimum elevation of all pixels within the subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
VertRange |
Maximum subcatchment elevation minus minimum subcatchment elevation (i.e., VertRange = MaxElev - MinElev) |
decimal |
m |
MeanElevation |
Mean (Average) elevation of all pixels within the subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
MedianElevation |
Median elevation of all pixels within the subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
ElevStdDeviation |
Standard deviation of all pixel elevations in subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
FlowLengthStdDev |
Standard deviation of flowpath lengths from all pixels within the subcatchment |
decimal |
m |
MainStreamS1085 |
The main stream slope estimated by measuring the distance and change in elevation between two points located 10% and 85% of the distance along the channel from the subcatchment outlet. It can be used to estimate the average main stream slope, however, the MainStreamSlope variable will provide a more reliable estimate |
decimal |
m/m |