AddOutlet ( X / Y / Buffer / Label )
The AddOutlet command places a new subcatchment outlet at the point X, Y (where X,Y must be in the same coordinate system as the project). The Buffer parameter specifies if you would like to buffer the outlet by including Buffer number of pixels to the north, south, east and west of the point in the outlet. The Label parameter allows the option of importing a custom label for the subcatchment. If you do not wish to import a label, insert “” for this parameter.
Eg., AddOutlet (500,500,5, “Pit 5”)
ImportOutlets (Filepath / Buffer )
The ImportOutlets command imports outlets into a project from an external file. These may be points, lines or polygons in a GIS file. The Filepath variable indicates the .shp or .mif file path for the data. The Buffer parameter specifies if you would like to buffer the outlets by including Buffer number of pixels to the north, south, east and west of the point in the outlets (only applies to points).
Eg., ImportOutlets (“c:\demo.shp”,5)