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Scorah M, Hill P, Lang S and Nathan R (2016), Addressing embedded bursts in design storms for flood hydrology. Water, Infrastructure and the Environment: Proceedings of the 56th New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference and the 37th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand. New Zealand Hydrological Society and Engineers Australia.

Office of Environment and Heritage (2018), Floodplain Risk Management Guide - Incorporating 2016 Australian Rainfall and Runoff in studies', Sydney

Podger S, Babister M, Trim A, Retallick M, Adam M (2019), Review of ARR Design Inputs for NSW', Office of Environment and Heritage

Ward M, Babister M, Retallick M, Testoni I (2018), ARR 2016 Case Study - Urban, Office of Environment and Heritage

Ward M, Babister M, Retallick M, Testoni I (2019), ARR 2016 Case Study - Rural, Office of Environment and Heritage

Rahman, A., Weinmann, P. E., Hoang, T. M. T. and Laurenson, E. M. (2002) Monte Carlo simulation of flood frequency curves from rainfall.  Journal of Hydrology 256:196-210

Hill, P. I., Maheepala, U. K., Mein, R. G. and Weinmann, P. E. (1996) Empirical analysis of data to derive losses for design flood estimation in south-eastern Australia.  Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology.  Report 96/5

Hill, P., Mein, R. and Siriwardena, L (1998) How much rainfall becomes runoff? Loss modelling for flood estimation.  Industry report 98/5.  Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology

Cunnane, C. (1978), Unbiased plotting positions - a review. Jour. of Hydrology, 37: 205-222.

Phillip Jordan, Rory Nathan, Lauren Mittiga & Brian Taylor (2005) Growth curves and temporal patterns of short duration design storms for extreme events, Australasian Journal of Water Resources, 9:1, 69-80