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CatchmentSIM Help


TXT ( Text / Value )


The TXT procedure writes un-formatted information (Text / Value) to a text-file.


Eg., TXT("My Customised CatchmentSIM Report")


If you wish to write special symbols, you can use the ASCII character code preceded by the $ symbol. This is particularly useful for printing the “ symbol as this cannot be done any other way since CatchmentSIM interprets the “ symbol as the beginning and end of a text string.

Eg., TXT($34)TXT("Index")TXT($34)TXT(",")  

will print "Index",



FTXT ( Justification , Offset , Multiplier , Decimal Places , Text / Value)


The FTXT procedure writes formatted information (Text / Value) to a text-file in accordance with the following parameters.




Accepted Values / Data Type


Align the left or right side of the text with the offset value.  This parameter can be left blank, in which case text will be printed at the current file position.

L (left), R (right) or blank


Number of characters from start of line with which to align text.  This parameter is ignored if Justification parameter is left blank.



Factor to multiply numerical values.


Decimal Places

Number of decimal places with which to write numerical values. Leave blank if no rounding is required.



Eg., FTXT(L,20,0.0001,2,%SubCatchment[i].Area)


This command will write the area of subcatchment number i to the text-file on the current line aligning the left side of the text with the 20th character from the start of the line.  The default units for this project variable are m2 however, the value will be multiplied by 0.0001 (ie., converted to hectares) and written in the text-file to 2 decimal places.


Semi-Colon (;)


The ';' symbol will begin a new line in the text-file.