The following project variables relate to the Ocean variable category. They refer to the attributes of the project’s ocean layer. These project variables must all be prefixed with %Ocean. eg., %Ocean.OceansExists.
OceansExist |
Returns True if oceans exists, otherwise False |
True / False |
NumberOfOceanPolygons |
Number of ocean polygons |
integer |
OceanPolygon[i].NumberOfRegions |
The number of regions in the ocean ‘i’ polygon. |
integer |
OceanPolygon[i].Region[j].NoOfVertex |
The number of vertices in the ‘j’ region of the ocean polygon ‘i’ |
integer |
OceanPolygon[i].Region[j].Vertex[k].Easting |
The easting of the ‘k’ vertex of the ‘j’ region of the ‘i’ ocean polygon |
decimal |
user coordinate |
OceanPolygon[i].Region[j].Vertex[k].Northing |
The northing of the ‘k’ vertex of the ‘j’ region of the ‘i’ ocean polygon |
decimal |
user coordinate |
OceanPolygon[i].Region[j].Vertex[k].Elevation |
The elevation of the ‘k’ vertex of the ‘j’ region of the ‘i’ ocean polygon |
decimal |