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Mathematical Functions

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Various mathematical routines can be incorporated into CSTalk macro scripts to help perform certain user functions.


Simple Mathematical Operators


Simple mathematical operators include the multiplication (*), division (/), addition (+) and subtraction (-) functions.  These can be implemented within parameters of virtually any procedure or logical operator that is expecting a numerical input.  An example are shown below.







This example reads the length of a previously declared user array variable.  The array is then extended by one position (by assigning to its length + 1) and a value  of 7 (4+6-3) is then assigned to the last array position.


LogE (Result Variable , Value )


LogE returns the log base e of Value.  


Log10 (Result Variable , Value )


Log10 returns the log base 10 of Value.



Exp (Result Variable , Value )


Exp returns the value of e raised to the power of Value, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.


Round (Result Variable , Value, Method )


Round returns the rounded version of Value in accordance with the following rounding methods:
 UP - Rounds Up
 DOWN - Rounds Down
 NEAREST - Rounds to closest value (.5 rounded up)
 TRUNCATE - Truncates the value, rounding positive numbers down and negative numbers up.