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ImportContours ( Filepath / ElevationIndex )


The ImportContours command imports a set of contours into the project. You must indicate the column number in the GIS file that includes the elevation attribute.




Accepted Values / Data Type


The file path for the contour file including the (.shp or .mif) extension



An integer documenting the column index for the GIS column that contains integer or decimal values for the elevation attribute of each contour

Integer (1 = column 1 etc)


Eg., ImportContours(“c:\demo.shp”,2)


ImportStreams (Filepath )


The ImportStreams command imports a set of watercourse alignments into the project. The Filepath variable indicates the .shp or .mif file path for the watercourse data.


Eg., ImportStreams(“c:\demo.shp”)



ImportLakes (Filepath )


The ImportLakes command imports a set of lake polygons into the project. The Filepath variable indicates the .shp or .mif file path for the data.


Eg., ImportLakes(“c:\demo.shp”)



ImportOcean (Filepath )


The ImportOcean command imports a set of ocean polygons into the project. The Filepath variable indicates the .shp or .mif file path for the data.


Eg., ImportLakes(“c:\demo.shp”)



ImportIMPLayer ( Filepath / DescriptionIndex / IMPPercentageIndex )


The ImportIMPLayer command imports a set of impervious area polygons into the project. You must indicate the column number in the GIS file that includes the description and impervious proportion for each polygon. If these are not available, then set these values to -1.




Accepted Values / Data Type


The file path for the polygon layer including the (.shp or .mif) extension.



An integer documenting the column index for the polygon description attribute (if available). If no such layer, set to -1.

Integer (1 = column 1 etc)


An integer documenting the column index for the polygon impervious percentage attribute (if available). If no such layer, set to -1, in this case, all polygons will be assumed 100% impervious.

Integer (1 = column 1 etc)


Eg., ImportIMPLayer(“c:\demo.shp”,2, 2)